Friday, January 14, 2011

Complete Hardware Reference E-Books

Hardware E-Books Titles :
  1. Introduction to PC
  2. Introduction to Operating System
  3. Disk Operating System
  4. DOS Commands and Startup Files
  5. Microsoft Windows 98
  6. Introduction to UNIX
  7. Introduction to LINUX
  8. UNIX Commands
  9. Getting Familiar with the PC
  10. 8088 Microprocessor
  11. Peripheral Chips of 8088
  12. Booting Sequence
  13. Serial,Parallel,PS
  14. Memory
  15. Processors
  16. Motherboards
  17. Floppy Disk Drive
  18. Hard Disk Drive
  19. Backup Devices
  20. Optical Storage Devices
  21. SMPS
  22. UPS
  23. Computer Mouse
  24. Keyboard
  25. Scanner
  26. Printer
  27. Display Interface and Monitor
  28. MUltimedia
  29. Viruses
  30. Modem
  31. Laptop & Palmtop Computers
  32. Installation of Windows 98 SE
  33. Managing Application on Windows 98 SE
  34. PC Assembling
  35. Trobleshooting
Description :
File Size : 12 MB
Download link:

1 comment:

  1. hai gopal very worth one keep it.--------by SARAVANAN(WWW.ARISINGSOFT.COM)--------
