Hardware E-Books Titles :
- Introduction to PC
- Introduction to Operating System
- Disk Operating System
- DOS Commands and Startup Files
- Microsoft Windows 98
- Introduction to UNIX
- Introduction to LINUX
- UNIX Commands
- Getting Familiar with the PC
- 8088 Microprocessor
- Peripheral Chips of 8088
- Booting Sequence
- Serial,Parallel,PS
- Memory
- Processors
- Motherboards
- Floppy Disk Drive
- Hard Disk Drive
- Backup Devices
- Optical Storage Devices
- Computer Mouse
- Keyboard
- Scanner
- Printer
- Display Interface and Monitor
- MUltimedia
- Viruses
- Modem
- Laptop & Palmtop Computers
- Installation of Windows 98 SE
- Managing Application on Windows 98 SE
- PC Assembling
- Trobleshooting
Description :
File Size : 12 MB
Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZTC4O9LW
hai gopal very worth one keep it.--------by SARAVANAN(WWW.ARISINGSOFT.COM)--------