Monday, January 3, 2011

Instructions on How to Tie the Double Windsor Knot

1.The double Windsor knot requires you to wrap the wide part twice around the narrow part. This means that more length of the tie is required. Start by placing the tie around your neck with enough length showing on the wide side of the necktie. Place the wide part across, and above the narrow part of the tie at a 90 degree angle.
2.Just like with the half Windsor tie knot, pull the wide part through the loop on the right side of your collar.
3.Then pull the wide side of the tie back behind the narrow part.
4.To make a double Windsor knot out of the half Windsor, do the same on the left side. Pull the half finished Windsor knot tight so both wrappings stay in place. Tip: Overlap both wrappings so that a triangular and symmetric shape appears.
5.Hold the loop open that you created on the last wrapping with your left hand, and pull the wide end of the necktie through the loop.
6.Slowly pull the Windsor tight
7.Tighten the tie and flip down your shirts collars. Tying a double Windsor knot takes a little bit of practice. The most common mistake people make when tying a double Windsor knot, is in step 4. Make sure you overlap both wrappings. This ensures that the gap between both wrappings is closed which will prevent the tie from sliding into this gap. If this happens, the tie will not be centered on the Windsor.

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